Links – Turntable and Audiophile

This page is biased towards Thorens turntables, however a lot of other fun links are here for audiophile type gear. Can you say $150,000.00 for a certain high end turntable? Can you say $50,000.00 for a vacuum tube amplifier? These links are for you.

There is some overlap with the Vacuum Tube link page because a lot of sites that deal with turntables (especially vendors) also deal with vacuum tube audio gear. Sites that are essentially only vacuum tube gear are on the Vacuum Tube links page. Other vendors that cover a more broad product offering are on this page.

Thorens – It is not possible for me to decide if I love Thorens the most or Mag-Lev.

Mag-Lev – It is not possible for me to decide if I love Thorens the most or Mag-Lev.

Analog Department – Thorens information galore.

Tavish Design – Amazing tube and hybrid phono stages and amplifier. Amazing design, performance, and support. Thank you Scott!

Decware – High quality vacuum tube audio gear.

Northwest Analogue – Cartridge repair, sales, and other turntable gear. Thank you Dom!

Analog Seduction

Acoustic Sounds

Audio Advisor

@udiophilia – How to setup your cartridge.

Best Turntable

Elusive Disc – Records and where I bought the VPI cleaner.

Galen Carol Audio – Tonearm/cartridge capability.

The Last Factory – Cleaning and preserving.

Music Direct

Music Hall

Pat Leaver – AKA Pat’s Audio Parts

Res Freq – Calculate your tonearm/cartridge resonance

Rutherford Audio – Source for Thorens parts

Schopper AG – Great source for NOS Thorens parts

Townshend Engineering Hi-Fi

Turntable Needles

Vinyl Nirvana – Great site and the owner is super helpful.